Some of my earliest memories are of me in the kitchen baking chocolate chip cookies. I’ve always loved baking, but never dreamed of it being anything more than making the occasional batch of cookies for my family. As I started working in the professional world, I would bring in cookies, cakes, brownies, etc. to celebrate birthdays and always received kind words from my co-workers. I often had people telling me that I needed to open my own bakery or that I had missed my calling by working in Human Resources and not in the baking field. Thus, the idea started swirling in my head… could I really do this for a living? Don’t you work at a job to earn the money to do the activities that you actually enjoy? For several months I began really feeling the calling on my life that I should leave my job and pursue baking; but, with the economy the way it is, I wasn’t about to quit and, admittedly, I was too scared to venture out into something new.
Then in 2009 I was laid off from my job. Apparently, God decided that He had waited long enough for me to take the step of faith and leave, so He decided to take the decision away from me and give me a push in another direction. Since being laid off, I’ve taken numerous classes and had family, friends and friends of friends asking me to bake and decorate cakes, cupcakes and cookies for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and showers which brings us to today. and the beginnings of “Maggie May’s Bake Shop”.
Oh, and if you’re curious, the bakery is named after my cat, Maggie, who has the nickname Maggie May. Maggie has the biggest sweet tooth of any four-legged creature I know. She loves ice cream, red vines, marshmallows and of course, cake. (not that I feed her a diet of these sweets- she just helps herself) On my birthday one year my sister baked me a cake and, during the night, Maggie took it upon herself to peel back the plastic wrap and helped herself to several bites. So, when trying to think up a name for my business, the memory of her partaking in my birthday cake came to mind, and I thought it was the perfect name for my new venture.